Vehicle auctions are held on a semi-regular basis for local law enforcement agencies. Vehicles that have been impounded or accident vehicles that have been left abandoned are auctioned to the public for sale.
Vehicles will be sold to the highest bidder. All auctions are CASH ONLY, with payment due at the time of the auction sale.
Please check this page for a list of upcoming auction dates, time and listing of vehicles.
Vehicles may be viewed 30 minutes prior to the start of the auction.
Notice is hereby given of public auction sale under the authority of the following agencies:
Ann Arbor Police Department, Washtenaw County Sheriff's Department, Michigan State Police, University of Michigan Department of Public Safety, and Pittsfield Township Police.
All vehicles are being held under the provision of the Michigan Motor Vehicle Code, MCL 257.1, et seq or revised judicature act, MCL 600.6001 et seq.
The starting bid of each vehicle is based upon the towing and storage charges due. Note: Any one of the vehicles listed below may not be available the day of the sale.
This is due to the fact that any of the vehicles may be claimed by the registered owner, or the LEIN holder, up to the time of the auction.